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CANATOVINI di Canato Marco

Ca' Baldea, 19/3, 15049 Vignale Monferrato AL, Italia

The Canato estate is located on the hills of Vignale Monferrato. At its feet lies the ancient “Fons Salera” (Salera spring), at the time famous for its precious thermal waters.


In 1700 the historical estate belonged to the nuns of the St. Bartholomew cloister and, in 1740, the Bishop of Casale Monferrato, Monsignore P.G. Caravadossi, bought part of the estate: the so-called “Baldea”.


In the 1950s the Canato family acquired the estate on lease. The family soon realized the potential of the lands, which vaunted excellent-quality soil for wine-growing, and therefore decided to purchase the whole property.


Today, Marco Canato manages the entire estate, consisting of 10 hectares of vines, where the vineyards are cultivated with rational methods in order to produce quality grapes.
